Joanna, Rebecca, Bev and Cassie
Joanna is the person who will answer your call, based in her small home in the Phillipines she works for us to support herself and her family. Joanna is in a wheelchair and we love to have her in our team. Joanna, Rebecca, Bev and Cassie look after outgoing calls to various areas. They are all mums with small or big kids based in Australia.
Cristina and Lydia
Cristina and her team turn our photographs into the designs you see
for all the babies and smaller kids. Based in the Philippines they are
the first of many people Kidshotz intend to employ in this country.
Kidshotz pay far far in excess of the hourly rate locals earn as we
want to make a difference in the lives of others.
Siree Sivapetchranat
Siree is our talented web designer. Based in Thailand, she is a great asset. In the changing and ever more web based world a designer who understands the web and can also create designs for print and other uses is a must. Malcolm and Maya love Thai food so why not a Thai web designer! If you would like a web site designed contact her.
Kidshotz is looking for people keen to get involved in this unique business.
We offer two major areas of opportunity. All of the people involved
in Kidshotz work as independent contractors.
Marketing and Promotion
Kidshotz needs kids to photograph; can you find them and book them a
photographic session? Do you enjoy working from home and love to chat
to mums? If you can we have work for you. Set your own hours and
make as much money as you want, just find us kids and book their
photographic sessions.
Photographers & Sales
Our photographers are all trained specialists who love children. We
want people with very little photographic experience but who want to
work their own hours within a reasonable travel distance from their
home base. All our photographers work part time and on days and hours
they set. We fill the available time they allocate to us with both
photography and sales appointments.
Interested in any of these possibilities? If so, contact us.