Kidshotz was started in April 2004 by Malcolm and Maya Mathieson. Malcolm is well known for his natural style of work and is the driving force behind Kidshotz designs for the modern home. He is a Master Photographer and Honorary Fellow with the Australian Institute of Professional Photography and a past President of the World Council of Professional Photography.
He and his wife Maya are passionate about making a difference in the world and in time the profits from Kidshotz will be used to support programs for children.
Where do profits go?
The founders of this business simply want to earn no more that the average Australian salary. They both believe there are far more important things in the world than collecting money and assets.
Every minute a child dies of measles. Even though a safe and effective vaccine exists, outbreaks occur in many parts of the world because routine immunization programs are not in place or efficient. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), out of the 30 million children affected by measles every year, about half a million die. Most of those deaths occur in Africa and Asia. This contrasts sharply with the Western world where measles cases have become extremely rare thanks to universal routine immunization. This leads many people to forget that measles is a major killer.
We here at Kidshotz ensure for every child we photograph six others are immunized for measles. This is a small start in a huge problem but when you choose Kidshotz to photograph your children not only are you getting great pictures you too are making a real difference.